1. Introduction
Welcome to Weathernaut, the weather forecast application. By using Weathernaut, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
2. Definitions
- Application: Refers to "Weathernaut."
- We, Our, Us, and Developer: Refers to Weathernaut.
- User: Refers to the person using the Application.
- Storage: Refers to your device's internal storage, external storage, or SD card.
3. What Information We Collect
Weathernaut is designed with your privacy in mind. We do not collect any personally identifiable information (PII) from our users. Specifically, we do not require users to register before downloading the application, and we do not track users' visits to our application. We do not maintain a server to store PII.
3.1. Personal Information
Weathernaut does not collect personal information such as your name, address, phone number, or email address. We utilize location information solely to provide you with accurate weather forecasts. When requesting location data, the server only receives longitude and latitude values, with no personally identifiable information attached. We do not collect location data ourselves; we rely on third-party APIs for weather data, including OpenWeatherMap and Open-Meteo.
In the event we collect personal information, it will be used solely for contacting you or improving our services. We will never use your personal information for purposes like marketing our products or disclosing your data to third parties for commercial purposes.
3.2. Non-Personal Information
Non-personal information refers to data that does not permit direct association with a specific individual, such as your Android ID, device model, memory size, IMEI number, phone model, ROM, phone operator, location, install/uninstall actions, and frequency of use.
We may collect and use non-personal information to better understand user behavior, resolve issues with our products and services, improve our offerings, and enhance our advertising. If non-personal information is combined with personal information, we treat the combined information as personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
3.3. Third-Party APIs
Weathernaut relies on third-party APIs, including OpenWeatherMap and Open-Meteo, to access weather data. These APIs provide essential weather information and do not collect personal information from you.
3.4. Location Approximation
In cases where users do not provide their location, Weathernaut may use the ipinfo.io/json API to approximate your location based on your IP address. This allows us to provide location-specific weather information.
4. Permissions
Weathernaut requests certain permissions to ensure the application's proper functionality:
- Location: We need location permission to automatically display weather forecast information for your current location. If you do not wish to grant this permission, you can manually search for your location. We do not collect location data directly but use it solely to access weather data via third-party APIs.
- Internet: This permission is necessary to access weather data and other basic data like songs for background playback. We do not use it for analytics or serving ads.
- FOREGROUND SERVICE: We request this permission to play songs and update weather data in the background.
- Access Network State: This permission is used to verify your device's internet connectivity.
5. Children's Privacy
Weathernaut is not designed for individuals under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. If we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will promptly delete it from our servers. Parents or guardians who become aware of their child's personal information being shared with us should contact us so that we can take appropriate actions.
6. Contact Us
For additional information about our privacy policy or if you have concerns about the use of your information, please feel free to contact us at feedback.weathernaut@gmail.com. We will make every effort to provide clear and timely responses to your inquiries.